I am happy to report my YouTube Clift City account has been reactivated. At first, I thought it ha

I am happy to report my YouTube Clift City account has been reactivated.

At first, I thought it had to be a mistake, and then I thought there might be some issues with my channel. I have gone through YouTube’s Community Guidelines and Terms of Service over and over and was convinced my channel violated their terms. There are lots of gray areas when filming minors especially when your content is filming minors doing innocent activities such as playing sports.

Even though I was upset at YouTube and they did make a mistake, overall it was a good learning experience to truly understand YouTubes rules and the commitment and knowledge content makers need to have to help keep kids safer.

I also researched extensively alternatives to YouTube to live-stream and upload matches. There really isn’t anything that comes close to all the features they offer. It is expensive, to upload a 10GB video (size of an HD recorded match) to other services and even more expensive to live-stream. Facebook is a free alternative but doesn’t come close to the usability that YouTube offers.

I realize YouTube makes a great deal of money off the content its creators make, but they most likely make very little off of my content so I consider it a huge privilege to be able to use their service again.

Source: See post on Instagram

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