
It’s a friendly but these days, it is exciting to get an opportunity to play a game. #Noah14 Source: See post on Instagram
Mathias @mathias_clift and Noah seem to be enjoying the new backyard turf. Posted from the@cliftcity Instagram account. #adfportland #backyardsports Source: See post on Instagram
Noah has officially joined Academia de Futebol #adfportland . Both the boys have started training regularly with their club, ADF. Meanwhile we are working on building a practice area in our backyard. Hoping to have turf installed by November. 🤞⚽️ We are working a little backwards and put the new goals up! Source: See post on Instagram
I have lots of #braziltrip images to share, thanks to the parents and coaches that went with Mathias
I have lots of #braziltrip images to share, thanks to the parents and coaches that went with Mathias. Here are a few from the #botafogo vs. #adfportland #match Source: See post on Instagram
Katie and I had to tag team yesterday so I didn’t make it to Mathias’ game. So here are some Mathias
Katie and I had to tag team yesterday so I didn’t make it to Mathias’ game. So here are some Mathias #highlights from last time they played TFA Williamette in Fall 2019 #Mathiaswithagoal #adfportland #adf06ole #number27 Source: See post on Instagram
Back in 2014 @mathias_clift is playing some goalie in typical #portland #spring conditions. He is pi
Back in 2014 @mathias_clift is playing some goalie in typical #portland #spring conditions. He is pictured here with his buddy, @max_e_10. They played for #hillsiderec together, #LIncolnYouthSoccer and now #ADFPortland #throwbackthursday #mathiasclassic Source: See post on Instagram