Lincoln Cardinals vs. Grant Generals (Live Stream) Men’s Varsity Soccer Fall 2023

With a win tonight Lincoln can win the PIL! Let’s go Cards!

Unfortunately this will be the last CliftCity livestream of the season. OSAA owns the rights to the playoff matches. As of now I don’t have any info if their playoff matches will live-streamed by another entity. It is possible for me to continue streaming during playoffs but there is a licensing fee of $150/match.

If you would like to advertise your business for $150/match, or know of a funding source, during these playoff matches I could continue to live-stream them. Or want to donate With a win tonight Lincoln can win the PIL! Let’s go Cards!

Unfortunately this will be the last CliftCity livestream of the season. OSAA owns the rights to the playoff matches. As of now I don’t have any info if their playoff matches will live-streamed by another entity. It is possible for me to continue streaming during playoffs but there is a licensing fee of $150/match.

If you would like to advertise your business for $150/match, or know of a funding source, during these playoff matches I could continue to live-stream them. Venmo: @Andy-Clift

Source: See video on Youtube

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