Category:Noah’s Highlights
Noah #23 hits his first goal with United PDX and its a header.
Noah #23 hits his first goal with United PDX and its a header. Noah had an all around great match! First year of[...]
Always fun to reminisce between club seasons. Noah impresses Chara and Valeri at Dos Diego Camp
Always fun to reminisce in between club seasons. Noah impresses Chara and Valeri at the Dos Diegos camp back in 2018. #goodfinish #ooooooohhh![...]
Noah, awesome game! Noah makes the tackle to help is team draw against a top team.
Noah, awesome game! Noah makes the tackle to help is team draw against one of the top teams in the Oregon State Cup.[...]
Filling in for the ADF 09 Ole team, Noah scores their first goal of the season.
Filling in for the ADF 09 Ole team, Noah scores their first goal of the season from the right back position. Source View this[...]
Mathias and I had fun watching Noah have a strong showing during a scrimmage tonight.
Mathias and I had fun watching Noah have a strong showing during a scrimmage tonight. Source: See post on Instagram[...]
Checkout the Pixellot app to watch games played at Rose City Futsal. Here’s a clip of an assist by Noah.
Checkout the Pixellot #app to watch games played @rosecityfutsal Make clips like this. #noahwiththeassist #lincolnyouthsoccer Source: See post on Instagram[...]